VR Training Build Trusted Customers

toPointC is more than a platform for onboarding new employees. Our platform will build trusted customers by adequately training them on using your product or service. People still buy from companies they like and trust in our changing world. Your organization now has the opportunity to build that trust after the sale.

Customer Onboarding

toPointC provides you with the tools to properly onboard new customers (or clients). Our platform offers a quick and easy-to-develop process that supports customers’ understanding of what you do and how you can help them. This onboarding process is more than for building your furniture stores. Our training platform fits perfectly with attorneys, accountants, auto repair shops (proper maintenance), catering (how to have a powerful business meeting), and wedding planners (planning your wedding).

As you can tell, the possibilities for onboarding new customers in nearly endless.

Product Updates

toPointC will provide the tools to support your current customers’ understanding of product updates. These updates could include software and more.


Our platform can offer your organization a training tool that will provide special insights into how a upsell product or service would make a great add-on to the first product bought. Our immersive training will provide insight into how easy this upsell product is to use, and it will make the customer’s life better.

toPointC is committed to your organization’s customer service offering. We will help your team radically rethink how to build long-term relationships with your customers. Contact our team today to view a demonstration of how easy it is to launch your post-sale training system.


Contact our team at contact@topointc.com to schedule a demonstration of what is possible for your organization.