As employment is evolving, it’s more important than ever to properly onboard new employees to feel connected to the mission of their new organization. This article will explore how your HR team can deploy a 360-video series to have onboarding employees catch your organization’s vision.
An excellent mission logo is always a great choice. So is a funny logo or a long HR booklet. At toPointC, new employees want to feel inspired when they start a new position. Traditional training provides an opportunity to sit for long hours or to read an endless number of books. What if your new employees found this initial onboarding process fun? Sounds crazy, right?
What if new employees can feel immersed in a VR headset in a video where they feel unleashed in their understanding of how their new company impacts their customers and the world around them?
It’s one thing to show a traditional 2-D video of this impact. But it’s another story entirely when a new employee deeply feels connected to an actual customer using their new company’s product.
In today’s world, companies can properly onboard new employees into their company’s values. A fancy logo or short video are always great choices for communicating values. It’s another thing when new employees view an empathetic and immersive video where they can feel the impact of respect’ in an organization.
For example, let’s look at how you can create an immersive 360 training video that instructs new employees how to see a situation from another’s perspective. In this example, the value is that of respect. This immersive video will illustrate how it feels to be marginalized in a meeting from the point of view of a woman. The feeling of being ‘talked over or ignored by male employees would feel highly uncomfortable.
toPointC would be proud to show you how to create an organization filled with respect.