HR leaders realize they have new tools to attract, train, and continually educate their employees. This shift will provide adaptive HR leaders with new tools that will empower organizations with an opportunity of a lifetime. This opportunity will take advantage of the Great Resignation and ensure a company’s adaptability during tectonic change. 

Attracting Industry’s Top Talent

In our employment chaos, innovative HR leaders can think out of the box and begin to recruit top talent from their competitors. As we open, many businesses may want to return to the past employment rules. We’re not saying this is inappropriate. We only suggest that many top employees from other industries may wish to ‘jump ship’ and launch a new career with their top competitor. Massive change is both a challenge and an opportunity for HR leaders. 

Attracting Top Talent from Other Industries

We don’t have a crystal ball! But we do know that many top industry leaders are leaving their professions entirely. Innovate HR leaders can take this chance to rethink candidates for their positions. These employees may not have the perfect matching job requirements. 

But they do have years of experience in another industry. As a result, HR leaders can look to quickly attract other industries’ top talent and promptly train them into something new.