Our pandemic lockdown has only exacerbated the challenges related to recruitment and training. As businesses reopen, they are finding that they’re not going back to older HR training models. These new challenges can be seen as huge roadblocks or once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
One of these new opportunities is Virtual Reality (VR) Training. This immersive reality training model is widely considered the next generation of education and training (1).
As we move forward, HR leaders must explore new ways to avoid ‘playing it safe.’ (2). There is a reason that VR Training is expected to exceed $6.3 billion in 2022 (3). The reason is that it’s working! This article will provide four reasons HR leaders should consider a VR training system.
The Great Resignation Era has been led by the fact that baby boomers are retiring, employees feel liberated to move into positions of the future, and higher pay. This employment era may extend well into 2022 and beyond. This continual staffing challenge will force HR teams to think out of the box and offer new employee incentives that may include world-class training.
The Great Resignation Era statistics offer a snapshot of the changing employment landscape.
Traditional employee training programs are outdated in today’s ever-changing landscape. In conversations with healthcare HR teams, it’s been difficult for them to use old online courses to train new employees and continually train current staff. The employee training gap is real! Employees expect the best training possible.
Employees find traditional training old and boring. Employees are not excited about hearing endless PowerPoint presentations or reading large handbooks. This conventional training is on the way out (11).
Increase Employee Retention of Employees with an Entrepreneur Spirit. In ‘The Great Resignation’ era, 22% of the millions of people quitting their jobs are doing so to launch their businesses (12). VR Training is an excellent way to retain these motivated employees. Your organization can now deploy world-class immersive training to help them become thought leaders in their industry.
Organizational leaders see this employment period as a perfect storm to transition their VR Training to attract their industry’s top talent. Your organization can quickly and affordably launch a comprehensive training program.
Being innovative is only a mindset. VR, AI, and robotics are new tools for organizations to compete better. This mindset is especially true with VR Training! At first glance, VR Training can be overwhelming and expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. toPointC is an affordable and quick solution to better compete for top talent.
VR Training will turn your workforce into a ‘Culture of Training.’ Your employees will find this training level fun, engaging, rewarding, and have better retention (14).
VR Training will entice your employees to stay with you as they find that your new training will help them achieve their next level of success. In other words, where else would these employees find this world-class educational training?
Contact our team today to start your Virtual Reality training program. Reach our team at contact@topoint.com.